JuicePlus+ TRIO IS ON SALE!!
The Trio is on sale and comes with $129 of free products including Complete (both Vanilla and /Chocolate) and Ultimate. Get the prices and all the details here: dennisdilday.juiceplus.com
JuicePlus+ Orchard and Garden Blend (caps or Chewables) - $65 each (a two month supply)
JuicePlus+ Vineyard Blend (caps or Chewables) - $68 (a two-month supply)
Recent research done on fruit flies indicates that polyphenols have an important influence on longevity.
That is nice. It is much nicer that recent research on JuicePlus+ products indicates that they supplies these polyphenols, which are both absorbed and assimilated into your body.
If you haven’t started taking JuicePlus+ yet, why not? If you are ready, contact us at the office (425-348-5207), or just go to dennisdilday.juiceplus.com and place your Order.
Use this link to learn more: https://doctordilday.wordpress.com/2018/06/01/new-words-in-nutrition-polyphenols/
Here is Dr. Clark sharing more...: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-QgnPBZk7UU
Here JP+ is compared to miracle, you decide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dHGnIQwmbjk&t=9s
JuicePlus+ Complete - protein meal replacement powder - $35
These are retail prices, of course, and depend on current stock. Ask about Preferred Customer pricing by calling (425) 348-5207.
Backtivators - Alert!! We no longer offer Backtivators. Most of them won't hold air any more so we don't buy them. We do recommend the FitBall Seating Disc as an alternative, depending on a few factors. FitBall has a website you can Google... I can't offer you a better price.
Exercise balls - $45-$55 depending on size; (Search "The Miracle Cure" post on our Blog for details on using the physio-ball.) We will size them and inflate them to the proper level for you!
We only offer the professional-grade Versaball and Versaball Pro.
Tempur-Pedic products (including mattresses!!)
Biofreeze 4 oz. tubes, spray or jel - Only $19 (plus Tax)